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Netop Vision

Netop Vision Classroom Management World's Most Popular for a Reason

When you talk classroom management software, you're talking Vision. Teachers across the globe rely on it, and why? Because Vision offers tools for teaching that are easy to use, even for a first-time user. Classroom management has been proven to improve student achievement and it makes integrating technology in the classroom more intuitive - with a clean, simple toolbar that puts a rich variety of powerful tools in your hands.

Spend more time teaching and less time on everything else
Vision is your own personal classroom monitor. Keep an eye on everyone's work. Notice when someone's off task. Get everyone to the same place at the same time, so you can start the lesson. These are the tasks that good teaching depends on, but they take a lot of time and energy - and class time is limited. That's where Vision comes in.
Vision classroom computer management lets you make the most of your time when integrating technology in the classroom. It gives you the tools you need to control sources of distraction, monitor student computers, get started without lost transition time and notice as soon as someone needs your help.


Network requirements
The network must have the following minimum configuration:

  • Wired Network - 10 Mbps full duplex; 100 Mbps or higher recommended
  • Wireless Network - 802.11b; 802.11g recommended
  • No filtering of multicast (IGMP) or broadcast UDP or TCP packets
  • Vision traffic must not pass through more than four Internet working devices (four hops) that are 10 Mbps or higher

Computer and operating system requirements
The classroom computers must have the following
minimum configuration:

  • Teacher Operating System - Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista or XP Professional. 32-bit and 64-bit versions are supported. Note that the operating system must have the latest service pack from Microsoft installed. iPad support is also available for teachers, but requires the installation of Vision Mobile which is available at no charge with Vision Pro.
  • Student Operation System - Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista or XP Professional. 32-bit and 64-bit versions are supported. Note that the operating system must have the latest service pack from Microsoft installed.
Vision supports classrooms with a combination of operating systems
  • Processor - 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • Memory - 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
  • Hard Disk - 150MB available hard-disk space
  • Video Display - Any 100% VGA compatible graphics adapter supported by Windows
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7.0 or later (MS does not support IE6 anymore, neither do we)

System requirements exclusive to Vision Pro
Hardware acceleration recommendations

Netop recommends that classroom computers must have the following configuration to accommodate hardware accelerated applications:

  • Processor - Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® dual-core processor, 3.0 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology; for Windows XP: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon dual-core processor, 1.6 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology
  • Memory - 2 GB RAM
  • Video Display - 1,024 x 768 display resolution with true color
  • Video Adapter - hardware accelerated

Common applications that require hardware acceleration, for your reference

Adobe Photoshop
Artlantis Studio
Autodesk AutoCAD
Autodesk Inventor
Camtasia Studio
Cinema 4D
Common Point 4D
Cubus 6
Geomagic Studio
Google Sketchup
Google Earth
Power DVD
Revit Architecture
Wufi Pro

Artnr/Tillv. artnr Beskrivning Listpris
356512 /
WizTeach (1-9), price per license 2 277 kr
356513 /
WizTeach (10-99), price per license 1 815 kr
Underhållsavtal Skolor
Artnr/Tillv. artnr Beskrivning Listpris
356912 /
Vision Pro Class Kit - 1 Teacher/15 students, price per classroom ADV Education 1 144 kr
356914 /
Vision Pro NOLP license (10-99), price per computer ADV Education 75 kr
Artnr/Tillv. artnr Beskrivning Listpris
375917 /
Vision Pro Class Kit - 1 Teacher/15 students, price per classroom Corporate 7 425 kr
356509 /
WizTeach (1-9), price per license Education 1 749 kr
356510 /
WizTeach (10-99), price per license Education 1 397 kr
356892 /
Vision Pro Class Kit - 1 Teacher/15 students, price per classroom Education 5 709 kr
356894 /
Vision Pro NOLP license (10-99), price per computer Education 374 kr
Skollicenser Uppgraderingar
Artnr/Tillv. artnr Beskrivning Listpris
356902 /
Vision Pro Class Kit - 1 Teacher/15 students, price per classroom Upgrade Education 2 860 kr
356904 /
Vision Pro NOLP license (10-99), price per computer Upgrade Education 187 kr
Artnr/Tillv. artnr Beskrivning Listpris
356528 /
QVR - Annual Subscription (1-99), price per concurrent student connection Renewal Corporate 176 kr
356525 /
QVR - Annual Subscription (1-99), price per concurrent student connection Corporate 176 kr
Artnr/Tillv. artnr Beskrivning Listpris
356515 /
QVR - Annual Subscription (1-99), price per concurrent student connection Education 132 kr
356522 /
QVR - Annual Subscription (1-99), price per concurrent student connection Renewal Education 132 kr

Alla priser i SEK exkl. moms med reservation för eventuella produkt- och valutaförändringar samt felskrivningar. Ring 046 276 50 00 för kvantiteter i nivå 100+.